I look back from how far I have come
What I have conquered
How I am a warrior a savage all rolled into one
How I looked at defeat in the face and still stood my ground
I fought the battle alone
I pulled myself up from the battle that I have lost
The war is coming
There is a mist of dark fog coming surrounding my every being
My soul my heart has been shut down and shattered
Like glass falling to the ground as it splattered into a million pieces
I have fallen into it coming up with cuts and bruises so black
My bones are weak my soul is tired, and my heart is shattered from this endless battle.
My tears are gone
My emotions are wrapped up dancing like a firefly in the night with the black mist.
All I want to do is surrender to the darkness
to my demons that are calling my name
to just let go and let them devour what's left of my broken remains
The pain is unbearable
I almost took the sip of death
A shock of light went through my body and I jump up
Awaken something inside that has been there the whole time it was hiding
Waiting for the right moment to show itself.
This little light it radiates with a burning desire to shake off this muck
this dirt and grit
I put my armor on and ready to suit up for the fight of my life