Good morning fellow readers. After the January challenge, I have noticed Adriene's official website has changed, and now you have to sign up and pay 9.99 dollars a month to be able to view her new content. I found another yoga instructor on Youtube and I will be undergoing a 30-day weight plate workout challenge. If anyone is interested in this please comment below. I stopped content with Adriene this month to focus on what I can bring next to this website. If anyone reads this please let me know what would be interesting to read and thank you for stopping by.
30-day weight plate challenge
Yoga with Kassandra videos and my personal experience
Yoga repeats from Adriene's website
Chakra classes and blogging my experience starting next week
Book reviews
These are the few things coming my way and I would like to know what people would like me to write about.
Thank you so much for stopping by and I hope I get some feedback soon.